What Are Your Forgotten Pleasures?
What Are Your Forgotten Pleasures?

What Are Your Forgotten Pleasures?

This morning I found I very interesting, and rather powerful, still life on Flickr. JackAZ Photography obviously was a saxophone player at some point in his life. Much like his motor cycle days, his saxophone-playing days are clearly in the past.

  Forgotten Pleasures

tenor saxophone, chair, still life, b/w photography

     Photography by: JackAZ Photography  Source: Flickr

I’d never heard of an Astro saxophone before. A bit of Googling this morning turned up a couple of references, but not many. It appears that they are old Yanagisawa stencils.

This old tenor captured in this still life, made me think of my forgotten pleasures. Mine are all sports related. How about yours?

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. Hey there Sam.

    I checked out the white B&S 2001 on eBay again. It’s been around for a while. I don’t know why he would think that this horn is better than a Medusa. It would be interesting to hear his reasoning. It’s certainly a very pretty horn, I’ll give it that. But if I was going to spend that much on a horn, I’d be getting in touch with the seller and asking for some better and bigger pics.

    In today’s horn market, $3,000 for a used horn is a lot of money. B&S horns don’t sell for much—which is a real shame for those of us who have them already—although the tenors do fetch more than altos do. Some NOS Medusa altos recently sold on eBay for under $2,000 IIRC.

  2. sam netherland

    helen a b$s tenor sax.in white porcelain finish starts at$3,000.00 so far no bids i emailed the seller and heres what he said.tube is hand hammered & the neck is a bit smaller in diameter at the tip ,just enough to create a slightly higher degree of back pressure allowing more projection and easier to hit altissimo notes,the bell is also hand hammered.wish i had a few bucks to spair i love my medusa and the seller claims this horn is better.wow is all i can say ,this horn is on ebay guess i forgot to add .have a great day helen,still here and love your blog.your sax bud,sam 😯

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