Saxophone Signage In Denver
Saxophone Signage In Denver

Saxophone Signage In Denver

In my continuing pursuit to find interesting ways in which our instruments are used to convey meaning, I happened across the following photo by carolina terp on Flickr. In this pic the saxophone signage is affixed to the outside of a building in Denver, CO.

Since the text behind the sax is not complete in the photo, I can’t make out what kind of establishment this is. Nor does the description on Flickr provide us with any clues either.

Anyone here from the Denver area? Anyone recognize the sign and know what the building is? Is this saxophone signage drawing people to a club? A restaurant? Or perhaps a music store?



Photography by: Valerie  Source: Flickr

This saxophone signage is unlike any of the previous ones I’ve seen adorning buildings in North America or Europe. This stylized, saxophone outline is quite unique, and reminds me of a doodle that someone might draw.

Using the saxophone signage tag on this post, you can check out some of the other interesting ways that representations of saxophones have been affixed to the outside of buildings. At last count I have documented 10 (including this one) in the Bassic Sax Blog. If you like pretty pics… enjoy…

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


    1. I used Google maps to search for an Ann Taylor shop in Denver, but didn’t come close to finding anything that looked like this building. I was thinking maybe they shared their building with something a bit funkier. I struck out big time. Whatever this building is, it remains a mystery for now.

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