An Absolutely Ribbiting Performance
An Absolutely Ribbiting Performance

An Absolutely Ribbiting Performance

I admit it. I like frogs. I’ve even featured lots of them on this weblog.

Unfortunately most (all?) of the frogs that have appeared on my blog have been stuffed—taxidermied to be precise. Remember these little guys 1 2 3? Nothing says: I thought of you while I had a great time in Mexico drinking myself stupid on tequila, like one of these 3 little darlings, does it? 😉

I almost hate to admit it, but I have saxophone-playing frogs too. Mine aren’t stuffed though… Mine are garden art. I’ve been meaning to take some photos of them for a couple of years now, but so far have only managed to capture them in a winter theme.

Yesterday I happened to see ChimiHoffa’s photo of his musical frogs. I quite like the look of these amphibians. Mine don’t look anything like this.

A New Friend

Photography by: ChimiHoffa Source: Flickr

As we wrap up Summer 2011, here’s hoping you enjoyed at least a couple margaritas in the sun.


…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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