Vintage Varitone Ads From 1967
Vintage Varitone Ads From 1967

Vintage Varitone Ads From 1967

I saw 2 very interesting, vintage Selmer advertisements on eBay this morning. Both were for the Varitone model saxophone, however, only 1 was for the Selmer Paris horns.

I think it’s safe to say that most of us have heard of the Selmer Varitone model Mark VI. But what I didn’t know—or if I did know, I forgot—was that Selmer also made their Signet series alto and tenor saxophones, in Varitone models.

The Signet was Selmer’s intermediate level saxophone. It wasn’t a Selmer Paris horn, but was instead made by Selmer USA.

The ad on eBay currently is an interesting look back at how Selmer tried to market this step-up horn to younger players in 1967. They tried to appeal to their aspiring, rock-,star dreams.

1967 advertisement for Selmer Signet saxophones, with Varitone accessories, electric saxophone,


The other Varitone ad currently on eBay is also from 1967, and is for the Mark VI. In this ad, players are told that with the Varitone they’ll be the 6 busiest players in town. I’m not sure where the 6 comes from. Are only 6 people buying these? Is it a tie-in to the Mark VI? I don’t get it.

1967 Varitone model saxophone adverstiment, Selmer Mark VI


One thing I do get however, is that Selmer was clearly appealing to the male saxophone player. In their print ad they state:

Varitone Makes You the Man with the Power.

Yeah, you da’ Man alright…. Jeez… Did women play sax in 1967? I’m thinking surely some did. Some likely even played on Varitone models by Selmer.

The politics of female saxophone players aside for the moment, these 2 ads are very interesting. Both are being sold by an eBay dealer who specializes in vintage paper. I’ve been keeping an eye out for the vintage ads that ANTIQUE~GRAPHIQUE is selling, and as soon as one suitable for studio comes up, I will be buying it. 

However, since I don’t have a Varitone, I’m going to take a pass one these 2 very interesting, and informative, Selmer advertisements from 1967.

If you on the other hand, own a Varitone, and think that these 2 ads would look great framed and hanging in your studio, then you have until April 12 to buy them. Both sales run until that date, and both vintage ads have a Buy It Now price of $9.95.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. Jay Davis

    Old story, but brought a fresh smile to my face just now. I put myself totally through college playing a “first-gen post Selmer buyout” Buescher 400 tenor in a very busy, in demand, rock and roll band. Somehow I purchased (fall of ’67) a Varitone pickup equipped spare neck (smart kid not to deface my horn??) and used it without the mentioned electronics to plug into the same Fender Bandmaster (2×12!) amp that powered my guitars in high school.. With my 100/2 offset M Denim table Berg, I WAS one of the six busiest musicians in town (actually all of Western Illinois), because, yes, there were six of us!!!

    Too bad I took 45 years off, but I’m back playing again in a community band and jazz ensemble. Still have the Buescher and Varitone neck, both near pristine, but use them little, as I am a bari primary (Helen, you declared my Martin Busine bari to be a Grassi some years back. I sold “Marty” and replaced him with “Ida” (Maria Grassi), they WERE IDENTICAL. except for the B-B brace.) playing my new love, a pristine Beaugnier/Vito bari Duke. Just where I started in high school, where 4 of the five members of the sax section were—-girls.

  2. sam netherland

    just to say hello,have not seen new postings by you so i hope you are ok.all is well here ct scan tuesday and will get the results friday keep you posted,once again helen i do enjoy your blog and hope that you are ok
    your sax bud sam :saxy:

    1. Mal-2

      Sam, look past the “What Saxophones Do You Play” post which is stuck to the top (since it is a poll) and you will see the updated posts. This threw me off for a little while too, thinking there were no new posts. Not so, the updates continue at more or less the usual pace. 😛

    2. Hi Sam.

      Mal-2 is absolutely right. I made that first post a “stickie” one, and has been like that since I wrote it on March 12. That’s why it sits at the top of the page to catch everybody’s attention, with all the newer posts appearing below it.

      I’m fine Sam. I’m just really over-worked and over-tired. We put our old house up for sale (finally), and are working like crazy at trying to sort out the remaining stuff we have in it. I still have to make arrangements with Good Will or some other charity to pick up all the larger items that we no longer want/need out of both houses. Once all that’s done, the movers need to do the rest.

      I hope your CT turns out OK Sam. Drop me an email please and let me know what’s going on. I’ve got some medical appointments as well this next week. Mine start this Friday…

      Sometimes I feel like I’m this horse… :beat:

      I suspect you can relate.

      Take good care my friend. Be well, and please be in touch…helen

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