My Saxy Roomates
My Saxy Roomates

My Saxy Roomates

I woke up this morning feeling very rested, after a very long drive to Seattle yesterday. The border lineup was crazy! It took me 90 minutes in line at Sumas, to talk to a US Customs Officer for 90 seconds. Wow!

Anyways…Then it was off for a nearly 3 hour drive to Seattle. Two things worked against me: the torential rain which came down virtually the entire trip & the traffic, generated by the outlet stores, that plugged up the Interstate for miles before and after the exits.

However I persevered, and just before 7pm I arrived at Jim & Suzy’s house. I was promptly greeted by Jim, Suzy, and their 2 dogs…The older of which started barking at me immediatly (she is not fond of strangers apparently).  

Jim and I spent the pm talking sax & I got to see his lovely collection of horns. I honked around on some of his babies. I did try the low A Eppie. Beautiful horn. It will be nice to play it for real a bit this week. I also did try the soprillo. I did manage a C3 on it, which given that I tried it for about 30 seconds, was not too bad. I would like to play it up against a tuner later this week just for fun, to see how bad my tuning is! From what I heard, I think I was at least 30 cents sharp on most notes & a good 50 on the B3 and C3. (Although for all I know, I could have been out an entire semi-tone or tone for that matter, since I have no reference points for that horn.)

When Jim showed me to the suite downstairs that will be my home for the next week, I was surprised to see his 1921 Buescher bass sitting at the foot of my bed. He put it there for me so I could play it anytime I wanted. He also brought in the Herb Couf Superba I that I will be using Sunday at the Dissonance show at the Ballard Locks.

This AM while he went to work, I took a couple photos of my roommates. They were very quiet overnight. I think this afternoon and this pm they will be louder though. We have the rehearsal for Dissonance at 7:00.

    Buescher True Tone bass & H. Couf Superba I tenor belonging to Jim Glass.  

    Down the bell of the Buescher bass.

    Bell/body brace on the Couf tenor.
…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. Marge

    This is great. I feel like I’m on vacation too. Try getting a few minutes of video at your rehersal tonight and post that on your blog so we can hear what you’re doing too.

    PS I made a few tiny edits on today’s post.

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