Art For GASaholics
Art For GASaholics

Art For GASaholics

There’s just something about this photo by Wanda McCrae that spoke to me. Perhaps it’s the composition. Perhaps it’s the choice to use black and white, instead of colour. Perhaps it’s the lighting. Nah… Let’s face it, it really is the subject matter—combined with those other things.

  Saxophone Shopping

alto saxophones, vintage, Conn, store, for sale

     Photography by:  W. Lotus Mobile   Source: Flickr 

Nothing is more exciting to me than walking into a music store and seeing a wall full of vintage saxophones. I’m in heaven at that point.

Now despite this being a photo of vintage Conn altos, and what looks like a Pan American and likely a stencil of some stripe, there are other horns that we can’t see the details of. Thus there is a promise of what else might be.

As a viewer of this photo, I wonder what kinds of tenors the store might have. Is their tenor wall just as plentiful? Do they have anything interesting? What kind of treasure might I be able to shop for, if I wandered in off of the street?

It is said that art is supposed to make you think. Well if that’s true, then Wanda McCrae certainly has created art. Specifically, she has created a piece of art that those of us afflicted with G.A.S. will enjoy, as we ponder over the holes in our saxophone collection.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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