Can You Really Get A 5 Digit Mark VI Tenor For Under 2 Grand?
Can You Really Get A 5 Digit Mark VI Tenor For Under 2 Grand?

Can You Really Get A 5 Digit Mark VI Tenor For Under 2 Grand?

You know that old adage: If something’s too good to be true, it probably is. Well such is definitely the case with a Mark VI tenor that some clown—let’s call him “Adam”, since that’s the name he uses in his emails—is trying to hawk on the Vancouver craigslist.

Selmer, Mark VI, tenor saxophone, French, vintage

     Source: “Adam” on

This is how Adam describes the horn in the craigslist ad:

1958 Selmer Mark VI tenor saxophone, the saxophone came from a estate just as you see it,I have done nothing to it, looks like the original lacquer , pads are complete but has not been checked for leaks, keys function fine,I see no broken parts, the bell rim has a bend as you can see and a dent on bottom and near the serial number, neck looks good does not look bent no dents has matching serial number,not sure how long the sax has been setting,or played last, case is a little rough and has a musty smell.

Selmer, Mark VI, tenor saxophone, French, vintage

     Source: “Adam” on

Selmer, Mark VI, tenor saxophone, French, vintage

     Source: “Adam” on

Selmer, Mark VI, tenor saxophone, French, vintage

     Source: “Adam” on

Now the ad was posted on May 27, and I first saw it on the June 1. My first thoughts were either that: 1. It’s a scam, or 2. Some guy doesn’t know what he’s got.

However, since he knows how to post an ad on craigslist, #1 seemed more likely, since any search engine will turn up about a bazillion hits on Mark VI tenor saxophone. Therefore, the chances were pretty good that the seller would be able to find out that the sax is worth more a whole lot more than $1,800. 

None the less, my curiosity got the better of me. I sent the seller an email through craigslist, and asked if the horn was still available. Then I waited… And waited…. And waited…. Finally on Tuesday morning (remember I emailed him on Friday), I received a reply from the supposed seller of this sax.

This is what the email said:


Thank you for your interest in my 1958 Selmer Mark VI Tenor Saxophone 799xx. My asking price is $1,800.00. From the begining I want to tell you that I work for “Save The Children Foundation” and a couple of days ago I left Canada with my family and came to United Kingdom where I will stay for the next 6 months. I thought I’ll sell it before I left Canada, but I couldn’t. I had to take it with me because I had nowhere to leave it there.

Even if I’m here you can buy it without problems. For this I suggest we use BDES Delivery to handle this in the safest way possible. I will pay all shipping fees.



Ha, I laughed my ass off at that one. You see, in the meantime someone on SOTW had started a thread on this horn. It seems the exact same sax, with the exact same craigslist ad, currently appears in Miami.

IMO, Adam is none too bright, since he used the exact same email to reply to another SOTW member’s inquiry about the supposed Miami horn. I guess Adam didn’t count on sax players comparing notes on a such a steal of a deal, on a 5 digit Mark VI.

Bottom line: don’t buy anything on craigslist that you can’t see in person. And yes, if a deal looks too good to be true, it most likely really is.

Update May 2024: Scams like this are obviously still going on. Now many of them have moved to Facebook Marketplace. Bottom line: If you can’t see the horn in person, or you don’t know the seller personally: DON’T BUY THE HORN. 

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. sam netherland

    wow,i guess about a year and a half ago i had almost the same issue with this in my you stated to good to be true,wanted a money order then the sax would be shipped from london to me by one of his friends he had left the horn with,i reported him and the article was removed hmmmmmmmmmmmmm could be the same thanks helen for all your great work i still enjoy your blog and am hanging in there barium for breakfast this morning test at noon same old stuff but as i said still here and noodling on the sax every now and then.take care,your sax bud

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