Marsh Woodwinds Neon Sign
Marsh Woodwinds Neon Sign

Marsh Woodwinds Neon Sign

Two things I love are neon and saxophone signage. Combine them together and I’ll definitely be intrigued—like I was when I saw this photo of the Marsh Woodwinds neon sign by Jeremy Brooks on Flickr.

Marsh Woodwinds neon sign, neon saxophone, store window

Photography by: Jeremy Brooks  Source: Flickr

I don’t know anything about Marsh Woodwinds. I did corresponded with them years ago via email about a D&J horn with an angel wing key that they had, but that’s it. So I took this opportunity to check out their website again.

They do state that they’re pretty old school, and prefer to talk to their clients on the phone, which might explain why they still use frames on their site. So sorry, I can’t link to the saxophone section.

When you navigate to Marsh Woodwinds’ saxophone section, you’ll notice that they have quite a few for sale. (Poor pics of the horns though.) Of interest to me were an alto and tenor Hohner President that they have listed. The info that they provided on the horns is rather limited however, and perhaps somewhat misleading. For the tenor they write:

Very unusual Hohner President. It is related to the Keilwerth…

True, Max Keilwerth was related to Julius Keilwerth, but the relationship between the horns ends there. To read more about the Hohner President saxophones, check out the page on my site dedicated the them.

OK, OK… I’ll stop critiquing Marsh Woodwinds’ website and the info it contains about the Hohner Presidents. Update it though guys… I’m just saying…

Getting back to the topic at hand however (the Marsh Woodwinds neon sign) it is a pretty nice bit of old school advertising. I for one would like to see more of these pieces of saxohone neon signage around. But then I do love neon, and don’t think it should be relegated to a Neon Boneyard.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

One comment

  1. Andrew

    Just stumbled across your site – I can tell you we’re now working on those website updates, as requested! Facebook and all the others coming soon as well. Next thing you know, we’ll even replace our dictaphone machines! We’ll be keeping the phonograph, though! :beat:

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