Coming Out Of Attics & Basements: Another Hammerschmidt Tenor Saxophone
Coming Out Of Attics & Basements: Another Hammerschmidt Tenor Saxophone

Coming Out Of Attics & Basements: Another Hammerschmidt Tenor Saxophone

This entry is part 7 of 22 in the series Hammerschmidt Saxophones

In October I wrote about my SOTW friend Milandro, who bought a silver-plated Hammerschmidt tenor that had been hanging on a café wall. The problem with the horn was that it was missing its neck.

Milandro contacted a well-respected German repair tech who knew about the obscure brand, and even the company itself, in hopes of finding a neck for his sax. Unfortunately his quest for a replacement neck had not yet been successful.

Well, if you can’t find a neck, just buy a whole other sax. (You gotta’ like this guy. 🙂 )  I know that’s something I would do…

Milandro was recently able to find another Hammerschmidt tenor saxophone. This one is a different model. It doesn’t have the acrylic key guards, but rather the standard metal ones that I have on my Hüttl, and that were also seen on the Hammerschmidt alto that recently sold on eBay


    Source: André Milano


    Source: André Milano

These once almost completely obscure horns are literally coming out of attics & basements, and finding their way into players’ hands around the world. This is all very exciting!

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!
Series NavigationGenton: A Hammerschmidt StencilHammerschmidt Klingsor Tenor On German eBay

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