No Sax In Amsterdam Either
No Sax In Amsterdam Either

No Sax In Amsterdam Either

It was only 10 days ago that I happened to find a photo on Flickr, that showed that there was to be no public sax in Warsaw. modified_police

Well apparently saxophones are not allowed publicly in Amsterdam either, at least according to this photo that was captured by bellequa…

Sorry, No Saxophone Please

Sorry, No Saxophone Please


So much for Amsterdam being liberal! laughing-smiley-001

Seriously, when did saxophones become synonymous with busking… Or specifically anti-busking signs? Maybe it’s their shape? They look kewl? Easy to draw? Easy to recognize? I don’t get it. confused2

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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