Tubax Folk Art?
Tubax Folk Art?

Tubax Folk Art?

We’ve likely all seen folk art of saxophones or saxophone players, done with wires, or nuts and bolts, similar to this one that was posted on Flickr.



    Photography by wakalini. Source: Flickr

Saxy [Potpourri]


    Photography by wakalini. Source: Flickr

But this one on Photobucket caught my eye, because to me, it looked like the musician, was playing a Tubax.

Play Saxophone


    Photography by whyjoy. Source: photobucket


    Source: eppelsheim.com

I think Benedikt Eppelsheim should be proud. His Tubax has become so well known, it has now become the object of folk art! Or is it fork art? Maybe it’s both. Either way… I’m thinking… You’ve got to be forking kidding… devil-smiley-057

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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