A Very Saxy Mermaid
A Very Saxy Mermaid

A Very Saxy Mermaid

This is time of year when I wish I could escape the seemingly unending cycle of rain storms that hit the West Coast during our winter months. Ah yes Mexico, where this photo was taken, would do very nicely! 



     Photography by: librarianne827  Source: Flickr
…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. I could also see this being done in stone of some kind.

    Yes, there was something about this piece that was just simple & elegant. I rather liked it.

    Interestingly enough, today was sunny and quite warm here. Very spring-like. I didn’t even feel the need to escape to warmer climes. The snow is melting of the local mountains like crazy due to the rain we’ve been having & now thanks to the sun.

    The sites where they’re going to be hosting the snowboarding & cross country skiing for the Olympics are in trouble. They’ve been making snow on the top of the local mountains for months in the event this kind of scenario happens. Now they’re having to move this snow down the mountains with snow cats to cover the courses where the competitions are going to be held.

    Oh the irony of it all. The only major Canadian city that doesn’t get an actual “winter” gets to host the Winter Olympics… Hopefully the freezing level will drop soon, and we’ll get some colder temperatures soon. (Not something I’d normally ever wish for!)

  2. Mal-2

    Of all the sax-related art you have posted, this is one I would be unable to resist buying, if I saw it being sold by a street vendor in Ensenada — well maybe not THIS piece (it looks like a large bronze statue) but a smaller ironwood version. Those guys sell some really nice pieces about 30 cm tall in the $30 to $40 range, and I can imagine them having one like this. If the original is any sort of tourist attraction whatsoever, I can almost guarantee there are guys selling their own versions nearby.

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