An Interesting Band Name & An Interesting Photo Of A Selmer Tenor
An Interesting Band Name & An Interesting Photo Of A Selmer Tenor

An Interesting Band Name & An Interesting Photo Of A Selmer Tenor

When I saw this photo on Flickr, I’m not sure what intrigued me more: the photo itself, or the title the photographer gave it.

   WTF Sax


     Photography by: Thundershead   Source: Flickr

The photo is part of a set titled WTF Jam Sessions 25-5-2009, and was shot in Barcelona, Spain.

A quick Google search revealed that WTF Jam Sessions, is the full name of a band that is based out of Barcelona. WTF’s header on their website says that they play jazz, funk, and hip hop.

While looking through both the web site and their Facebook pages, I didn’t notice any references to a saxophone player however. I can only presume that this player is not a regular with the band. Heh, if I’m wrong, please feel free to correct me. (My Spanish skill are sadly lacking.) 😮

In any event, I really like the way this Selmer’s sandblast finish came out in the shot. Overall, I find this just a really interesting photo of a tenor sax being played on stage during a festival.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


    1. Hi Aurelio. Welcome to my site.

      Thanks for clarifying this for me. Now this makes.

      Libert Fortuny is an amazing player. Thank you for the link to his website. I always enjoy finding out about musicians from other countries who don’t get that much exposure over here. Interesting his studies at Berklee, and his graduation with distinction. He’s a very talented performer.

      Thanks for stopping by Aurelio. I hope you do so again sometime.



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