Bassically Photogenic
Bassically Photogenic

Bassically Photogenic

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been playing bass a lot more than I usually do because I got a new toy. No, it’s not a new bass, just a new way to hold the one I already have. More about that tomorrow, I’m still working on getting my article polished up.

Yesterday we took the last in a series of photos that will be used in the articles about the new stand. While looking at the shots last night, this one just popped out at me. I decided to put a digital frame around it and include it in my photo gallery. I think it captures the enormity of the bass—compared to its everyday cousins—quite well.

   What The Right Hand Does

I don’t have tiny hands. I’m 5’9″ tall—that’s 175 cm for my friends who only do metric 😉 —and my hands are proportional to my body size.

Given that I haven’t polished my 1922 Buescher since I got it in 2000, I think it is holding up remarkably well. I really don’t like silver horns. They are a pain in the ass to own: Too much upkeep on their finishes. However, I own at least 5 of them, and as luck would have it, the biggest sax I have would have to be silver plated. 🙁

My big baby is remarkably photogenic given its lack of polishing. I think over the next few days—as you see it from almost every angle—you will be surprised what keeping it in its case when not being used will do. The real trick to that is, I believe, that I have 7 of the Hagerty anti-tarnish strips taped inside the case, and replace them every couple of years.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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