Online Saxophone Gifts 2010 Part 9: All Things Neon
Online Saxophone Gifts 2010 Part 9: All Things Neon

Online Saxophone Gifts 2010 Part 9: All Things Neon

This entry is part 12 of 18 in the series Christmas & Holiday Saxophone Gifts & Collectibles

This is most likely the last installment of this years’ online gift ideas for the sax player in your life. With only 9 days to go before Christmas, we’re cutting it pretty short already, and it there is no guarantee that all, or any, of these items would arrive before the holidays. You’d have to contact the seller and find out what’s possible and what’s not. In any event, perhaps this post will give you some ideas, if nothing else.

If the saxophonist in your life has a studio, or a room in the house where they play, there’s a good chance that it has some saxophone décor in it already. However, nothing says smokey jazz bar, and inspires the practice of one’s jazz study, as the ambiance created by neon.

There are currently a fair amount of neon lights and signs to choose from, and their prices are all over the map. Here’s a small sampling of the current crop of eBay finds, when the term saxophone neon, is entered into the search box.

The first possibility for your consideration is a blue, free-standing, saxophone sculpture/light. There are 5 of these available, and they sell for $47.96. The auction ends on December 18.


The advantage with this particular light, is that it will stand on a table, bookshelf, or whatever, and that it is fairly compact. If space is an issue, this might be your best choice.

If space is not of concern, or if you’re looking for something that the sax player in your life can hang on his/her wall, then some of these next lights might be very interesting for you.

Here’s an interesting neon, Budweiser Beer sign that features a saxophone. The seller I note here—who is the same one who is selling the little blue light above—has 5 of these available as well. The auction ends on December 18. The price of this neon, Bud saxophone sign is $319.96.


It is worth noting that there are a few other sellers of this sign around, and that the colours of neon and prices vary anywhere from $175.00 to $239.00. For example, here is one that is mostly yellow.


And another in red and blue.


If you’d rather not advertise a beer brand, there are other options available for you. For example, this one that simply says Jazz, with the iconic saxophone forming the first letter. The auction on it runs until December 23, and the price is $195.00.


If a large neon saxophone is more interesting, then this next item might be just the thing you’re looking for. This neon light is 13″ wide and 32″ high. Its depth is 3″. The seller has more than 10 of these in stock, and they sell for $199.95. The auction for these lights ends on January 5.


If realism is more of what you’re searching for, then this last item is sure to be a hit. This resin saxophone is so realistic, that I was sure it was real. I had to read the ad a few times to make sure that what I was looking at wasn’t a real horn incorporated into a neon light. Honestly, I’m still not sure what I’m seeing. The auction for it runs until January 12, and its price is $350.00.


I should mention that variations of these last 3 items are currently on eBay as well. Just do a search for neon saxophone and see what pops.

Another thing worth mentioning is that not all neon signage on eBay is equal. Be careful of what you buy. While neon does last a long, long time, do you really want a used, dusty, nicotine-covered sign that’s hung in a bar for a decade or so, hanging in your home? Quite likely not.

Many of the signs you can buy are new, come from reputable shops, and have a manufacturer’s warranty. In other words: Just like all always, be a wise eBay shopper when looking for that unique, neon saxophone sign for that unique, saxophone player in your life.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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