Saxophone Signage From The Happiest Place On Earth
Saxophone Signage From The Happiest Place On Earth

Saxophone Signage From The Happiest Place On Earth

Last month I mentioned that saxophone signage seems to be a popular element in our society. It crosses cultural and language boundaries, and conveys a great many meanings.

While doing one of my regular trolls of Flickr, I happened across yet another interesting saxophone sign. This one is from one of downtown Disneyland’s eateries.

  Jazz Kitchen

     Photography by: andhong09  Source:  Flickr

Notice the security camera above the sign. Apparently even the Happiest Place On Earth isn’t immune to the concerns that plaque us is the real world. How sad is that?

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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