The Unlacquered Beauty Of It All
The Unlacquered Beauty Of It All

The Unlacquered Beauty Of It All

I saw this photo on Flickr and thought it was beautiful. I’m not sure what brand of horn it is, but I suspect it might be a Cannonball Mad Meg alto.


     Photography by: RyanLionZion  Source: Flickr

Oh, and the reason I think it’s an alto—besides the body tube looking rather small—the photographer has written the following about his photo:

my roommate got hooked on ebay and put a few of his instruments up, and in the excitement figured he’d sell this one too. at least until he remembered that he was lead alto in the jazz ensemble here and needed a horn. An aside – I love unlacquered brass

I agree with Ryan. I too love the look of unlacquered brass saxophones.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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