A Psychedelic Hammerschmidt Pinkie Cluster
A Psychedelic Hammerschmidt Pinkie Cluster

A Psychedelic Hammerschmidt Pinkie Cluster

This entry is part 15 of 22 in the series Hammerschmidt Saxophones

A conversation that I’m currently involved with on SOTW involving the restoration of an alto Klingsor, got me thinking about my Hammerschmidts. I started to look through the photos I took a little over a year ago, and had an idea for an interesting poster. So this morning I started to play around with colour effects on some of the shots I took.

This is one of the first images that I will incorporate into a poster for my studio. The poster will be a collage of images featuring my Hammerschmidts.

     Photography by H. Kahlke © 2011

This photo is actually of nickel plated tenor 043XX, that I bought from my SOTW friend Milandro in the summer of 2009.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!
Series NavigationFinicky Hammerschmidt Key Heights Part II: Turns Out It’s Not The Keys, It’s The NeckHammerschmidt Stencil Alto On eBay

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