Abu The Flute Maker Sightings In Baltimore, Maryland
Abu The Flute Maker Sightings In Baltimore, Maryland

Abu The Flute Maker Sightings In Baltimore, Maryland

This morning I was looking through Flickr and happened across a photo of what the photographer described as the world’s smallest sax. Now we know that this isn’t true, since the Soprillo is smaller, and technically this isn’t even a saxophone since it lacks a conical bore. However, something about this DIY sax seemed very familiar—as did the musician playing it.

   World’s Smallest Sax

     Photographer: dremmettbrown  Source: Flickr

As I looked through dremmettbrown’s photostream, I noticed that he had a few more photos of this street musician playing a number of other homemade instruments, including a trombone. These photos were all taken on July 16, 2011, in Mid-Town Belvedere, Baltimore, MD.

Check out what’s in the background of this next shot.

   Poor Man’s Trombone

     Photographer: dremmettbrown  Source: Flickr

As soon as I saw this larger DIY sax, it hit me like a freight train: This same type of instrument had been for sale on eBay recently. As a matter of fact, I had featured it on my blog. The eBay ad had even featured a link to a YouTube video of this same fellow—Abu The Flute Maker—playing the instrument. 

Update May 2024: Unfortunately the playing videos are no longer available on YouTube.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. salaamatou

    I have personally known Abu for many years he had made astrological flutes for all of my children who now range from ages 45,42, and 41 years of age. He Has been super creative from the time I first met him out Druid Hill Park, His creativity does not cease to amaze me. He came to Florida years ago but the were not ready for Abu’s nose flute thinking he was insane or the JUJU man. I love this gentle, creative dear brother. Love His Friend Debbie/BMore 😉 ❗

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