Busking In Berlin
Busking In Berlin

Busking In Berlin

Yesterday’s post about Munich’s 178th Oktoberfest, made me remember a photo I saw on Flickr some time ago. Although it was taken in Berlin and not Munich, it’s still my old stomping grounds.

Truth be told, I spent very little time in Munich, but I did live in Berlin for a while. My time in Munich, and in Bavaria in General, was always to visit friends and family.

  ;_; berlin / a one man band

     Photography by: nerovivo  Source: Flickr

This photo by Domenico Nardone reminds me of my favourite places to play outdoors. The natural reverb offered by underpasses is exceptional, and I’ve always loved playing under highway overpasses, as well as car and train bridges.

Most recently, when Deception did its updated photo, we went out to one of the seedier parts of Mission. There was some great graffiti under one of the highway overpasses—along with discarded needles, condoms, and other biohazards.  😈 

I took my tenor along as a prop for the photo shoot, and played some bluesy stuff before and during the shoot. I loved the acoustics. They reminded me how I enjoyed playing in these kinds of places when I was in my 20s. Were it not for the biohazards, and the safety issues of being in that part of town, I’d go back there to practice in a heartbeat.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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