Graffiti, Saxophone Style
Graffiti, Saxophone Style

Graffiti, Saxophone Style

Under the category of Expertly Done Graffiti, is this image captured by doyoubleedlikeme. This likeness of a saxophone player was shot in Torquay, UK.

   Sax Player

     Photography by: doyoubleedlikeme  Source: Flickr

Why is it that so much of the really good graffiti seems to always be in everyone else’s city? In and around Vancouver, the graffiti is often not nearly as good as this. And what graffiti there is, if often painted over, regardless of how good it is.

Vancouver actually has a graffiti reporting line. Yes, it’s true. If you see graffiti in Vancouver, you call 311, and city inspectors will come out and inspect the graffiti to determine next steps for clean up. Vancouver calls this its Spread The Paint program.

Graffiti is an interesting problem for cities. How much do you allow? What do you allow? Where do you allow it?

I don’t have any answers, but I know that I’d leave this sax player undisturbed. I would however removed the VARKY that someone defaced the graffiti with. But hey, no one can accuse me of being unbiased. 😉

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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