Have You Planned Adequately For Your Retirement?
Have You Planned Adequately For Your Retirement?

Have You Planned Adequately For Your Retirement?

When I happened to see this photo on Flickr, I had all kinds of funny captions running through my head. This poor, neckless Amati tenor has certainly seen better days. It is battered; dented; missing a key or 2; and presumably tarnished—which is why it has the colour it does.

   Just Hangin’ Around

     Photography by: nnigli  Source: Flickr

I started to think about my vintage horns, and how some of them might be considered “retired”, since they don’t actively work anymore—and never again will. Then I considered their living conditions. Although they’re just hanging around too, their retirement looks pretty damn nice in comparison.

That got me thinking. What if saxophones had similar worries to people with regards to retirement…

What will happen to me when I’m too old to play and need expensive or extensive repairs? Will I be considered obsolete compared to all those new, shiny models with all their fancy bells and whistles?

I guess the moral of this story is it’s never too early to start thinking about retirement. Plan early. Plan often. You never know when you will end up like our friend here: prematurely retired with little prospect of ever getting back on stage again.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. About 20 years ago there was a dive bar in Croydon, not far from where I live, which featured as part of its decor real musical instruments (primarily cheap electric guitars, but including several saxophones) NAILED crudely to the walls. Ouch! By comparison, your retired saxes have got it easy… 🙄

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