Just How Do You Ramp Up Your Team During Spring Training?
Just How Do You Ramp Up Your Team During Spring Training?

Just How Do You Ramp Up Your Team During Spring Training?

Well if you’re the Atlanta Braves, apparently you bring on your very own saxophone quartet featuring a bass sax. Go figure… :scratch:

    Atlanta Braves Philharmonic Sax Quartet

       Photography by Dianne Pike  Source: Flickr

Dianne Pike shot this photo on March 5, 2011 in Orlando, Florida, during the Braves spring training.

Does anyone know who these guys are? Are they by chance players from one of the Disney World ensembles?

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


    1. Hi Peter. Welcome to my site.

      I see you are a baritone player, and recently switched over to using Word Press as a content management system. I wish you well as you develop your site.

      I hope you come for a visit occasionally and find something here that is of interest to you. There are a number of articles (26) categorized under baritone saxophone, and many more that are tagged baritone.

      Thanks for stopping by Peter. Please do so again sometime.



    1. Hi Geoff. I was thinking that the bass and soprano players both looked a bit familiar, but I haven’t had time to look at some of the videos on YouTube of the Disney World sax quartets.

      Since I haven’t seen the groups in person, I must have seen these 2 guys on video before. Given where the photo was shot, that’s the only that made sense to me too. :mrgreen:

        1. Geoff Allen

          Here’s the photo from when I saw the quartet at the Magic Kingdom. The soprano player is definitely the same! The tenor player is probably the same. The alto and bass players look different, though.

          If it’s like other Disney performing groups, they probably have a number of guys who are part of the group so that the “show can go on” despite days off, sick days, etc.

          1. Thanks for hunting down that photo Geoff.

            To me it looks like even the alto player could be the same.

            You’re right the Disney groups have a number of players who play the different horns. The bass player in your photo doesn’t appear to be the same one who is playing in this video I featured on my blog in January 2010. Although it’s hard to make out player features for sure, the horns are markedly different. The photo of yours shows an American-style horn, whereas the video shows a Selmer-style.

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