Sometimes Neon Signage Looks Better In Daylight
Sometimes Neon Signage Looks Better In Daylight

Sometimes Neon Signage Looks Better In Daylight

Neon signs always look better at night when they’re lit—or so I thought. That was until I saw this daytime photo of the neon saxophone signage for Egan’s Ballard Jam House in Seattle. 

Regular blog readers may remember that I featured a nighttime photo of Egan’s recently. Compared to that photo that I featured in February 2011, this daytime shot shows more coloured musical notes, and also a sign in very good repair. 

   Egan’s Ballard Jam House In The Daylight

     Photography by: K. Yasuhara  Source: Flickr

It appears that either the neon sign is new—not so likely—or has recently been refurbished—more likely.

We’ve all seen neon signs that have been exposed to the elements for a while. They tend to look worn, and even rather rusty.

Given that this Egan’s sign is in Seattle, a city known for its copious amounts of rain, it’s a given that the owners of this neon sign will have to spend money to refurbish their iconic saxophone more often than if it were hanging in a desert climate.

In any event, this daytime photo of the Egan’s is a wonderful photo of saxophone imagery used to convey the message: Hey, this is a musical venue. Come on in.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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