The Bass Saxophones Of J’Élle Stainer: The Bass Saxophone
The Bass Saxophones Of J’Élle Stainer: The Bass Saxophone

The Bass Saxophones Of J’Élle Stainer: The Bass Saxophone

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series J'Elle Stainer Saxophones

The other day I started my series on the bass saxophones of J’Élle Stainer. J’Élle Stainer is the Brazilian saxophone manufacturer who specializes in making handmade saxophones that produce sounds below 65.4 Hz—a baritone’s low A. (Which is why the company’s website address is:

The only saxophone that is not handmade by J’Élle Stainer itself is model SAX226J—otherwise simply known as Bass Saxophone. According to J’Élle Stainer’s Gilberto Lopes, the Bass Saxophone is made in China by the Jinbao company.

     Source: J’Élle Stainer Used With Permission

Some of you might remember last April I wrote about a couple of these Bass Saxophones up for auction on eBay shortly after the Musikmesse in Frankfurt—at least I think it was after the Musikmesse. At the time, some of us speculated that due to the strong similarities between these and the Oleg horns et al., J’Élle Stainer was getting these bass saxes stencilled through Jinbao. Apparently we were correct in those speculations.

The Jinbao-stencilled, J’Élle Stainer Bass Saxophone is keyed from low Bb to high F#, and is available in a number of finish options including: lacquer, silver plate, and the bronze vintage lacquer pictured above. Since they are Jinbao horns, they are of course copies of the Selmer Series II bass saxophones.

     Source: J’Élle Stainer Used With Permission

In the following slide shows, you can see the various features of the J’Élle Stainer Bass Saxophone in both the bronze vintage lacquer and silver plated finishes.

        Sources: eBay. com & J’Élle Stainer Used With Permission
        Sources: eBay. com & J’Élle Stainer Used With Permission

While those of us in North American might not be all that excited about these Jinbao-stencilled J’Élle Stainer Bass Saxophones, since we have easy access to Jinbao horns through companies such as International Woodwind, we have to remember that we are spoiled. With this particular stencil horn, J’Élle Stainer is allowing players in the Southern Hemisphere much easier access to a French wrap bass sax.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

Series NavigationThe Bass Saxophones Of J’Élle Stainer: The Vintage BassThe J’Élle Stainer Subcontrabass Saxophone: The Video


  1. bjcomposer

    After visiting the Jinbao factory, I can say they run a fairly tight ship and their quality control is very good. However, I would never get a silver plate or nickel – they seem to tarnish quickly – even the the silver bits (silver or nickel, I am not sure) on the bass in the factory showroom were tarnishing.

    1. Hi bj. Thanks for dropping in and giving this update.

      So did you order one? Which finish did you choose? I’m seriously considering getting an IW-661 from Laksar Reese. He and I had a very interesting conversation on the phone a couple of weeks ago, and I must admit, I am tempted. These sound like wonderful horns.

      I don’t know exactly how the IW horns differ from the J’Élle Stainer ones, I do know that IW does have some “extras” added by the Jinbao factory however. It’s possible that J’Élle Stainer has some extras added as well.

      Did you order any smaller horns too?

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