At Least Bed Bugs Aren’t This Big!
At Least Bed Bugs Aren’t This Big!

At Least Bed Bugs Aren’t This Big!

I noticed an interesting use for a P.O.S. saxophone this morning: Turn it into a piece of art.

I don’t know what make and model of alto sax went into this metal sculpture that Jonathan Steffens photographed. One thing is for sure though, it won’t be used as a saxophone again anytime soon.

  Sax Beatle

metal sculpture, alto saxophone, beatle playing saxophone

     Photography by: vagabond by nature  Source: Flickr

And kids, don’t try this at home. Those rental instruments have to go back to the store where the came from. And no, don’t use your parent’s horn either! 😉  😆

Yes, a saxophone was seriously harmed in the making of this piece of art. However, the Bassic Sax Blog is not responsible for any damages to, or liable for any grievous bodily injuries sustained by any saxophones portrayed on these pages.

If you feel you must call the SPCS (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Saxophones), do not direct them to the owner of this website.

This site just reports and illustrates things that have already happened. It does not generally make them happen.

Thank you.


Helen Kahlke 😆

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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