I found this bit of retro humor in the case of a horn I just brought back from the shop. I don’t know when or where it came from, but it was amusing enough that I thought I’d share.
The previous owner of the case, and the original horn that once lived in it, obviously placed this cartoon in the vintage case years ago.
I think it’s very appropriate for me, since I forever seem to play in the keys of Ab, Gb, Db, and sometimes, just to shake things up a bit, in Eb. (I have to pay way more attention in those songs however, because I play less in them, and the fingering patterns aren’t nearly as familiar anymore.)
…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!
I usually stop by every day but I don’t usually comment unless I think I have something useful to add (or funny) :devil2:
I all ways forget the spammer check box :scratch:
I have seen this comic before but not recently the art work looks like a farside Cartoon well worth passing around again. 😀 just my :2cents: worth
Hey there Mark. Nice to have you dropping by again. Perhaps you’ve been lurking, but a comment’s always nice. 🙂
The Far Side… Now that makes sense. It does look like a Gary Larsen cartoon.
I had never seen this one before—despite being a Far Side fan.
Take care my friend. Hope to have you stopping by again soon…helen
helen..Gb and Db!!!? we DREAMED of them..
a nice string quartet mostly..no drums..no amps
Well actually, I tend to think in sharps, so it’s really more like F# and C#. Yes, amps are all around me. I’m amped and use effects pedals myself. Sometimes—even if I’m only using my throat and not the pedals—I don’t sound like a sax at all. I pass for a guitar in distortion mode.
Sad but true… I went over to the dark side a long, long time ago. :devil1: