Is This A Good Gig, Or What?
Is This A Good Gig, Or What?

Is This A Good Gig, Or What?

As someone who worked as a mascot back in her early university days, I never had the chance to wear a costume like this mascot in Prague has on. It’s too bad really, because I think this looks a whole lot more fun than the rooster costume I had to wear. (Don’t even ask.)  😆


saxophone, mascot, costume, Prague

     Photography by: fearlessflasher  Source: Flickr

It looks like the text on the neck says Jazz times. I wonder what this mascot is promoting? Perhaps it’s a club, or a magazine.

I can’t help but think of one of SNL’s best sketches in recent memory. Liquorville features former SNL star Kristen Wiig, as well as guests Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga. Enjoy. It really is quite funny.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. Václav Sp?vák

    Hello, I am the guy on the photo. It goes back to my high school years, it was even my very first job. Back then, I had to promote a Jazz club called “Jazz time”, unfortunately, the club was not that good, so it does not exist any more. Anyway, I did this for three years and it pretty much builded my resilience towards people´s comments. Great experience, hard times.

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