Sax and Violins: Disney Style
Sax and Violins: Disney Style

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Sax and Violins: Disney Style

It’s been a long while since I saw anything that made me smile like this Silly Symphony from Disney did.

This movie, which appeared on October 5, 1935, touches on a lot of themes. For me, the most obvious one is saxophones in then-popular culture, and how saxophones were despised by many.

The 1930s are just full of reports (some of which I have written about in my blog) of how saxophonists were targeted, and how there was a campaign that attempted to censor the instrument from the airwaves. It’s interesting that in the middle of all of this hullabaloo, this Disney Silly Symphony was created. It makes me think that perhaps Disney had some sax sympathizers in its midsts.

With so much going on in the world today, wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could be solved simply by love? Yah, a warm and fuzzy side of Bassic Side… Believe it or not, even I have one of those…

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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