No Horns
No Horns

No Horns

Saxophone signage used to convey: No horns in this neighbourhood!

A number of years ago I started collecting samples of saxophone signage from around the world. Given our instruments are arguably the most iconic of all the musical instruments, it’s not surprising that saxophones pop up in so many signs all around the world.

Perhaps also not surprising, is the fact that saxophone imagery is used to convey “No” for a great many things: no horn blowing; no noise; no music; no busking; no playing of musical instruments, etc.

This morning I came across another one of these “No” signs. Unfortunately the photographer doesn’t identify where in the world this photo was taken, but the message is clear—or is it?

Does this sign mean I can’t play my saxophone in the street? Or does it mean I can’t use my car horn? Or maybe it means that I can’t put a brass mouthpiece on my sax because it offends the sensibilities of the residents. 

No Horns

no horns, saxophone signage,
Photography by: fups  Source: Flickr

Whichever the case, I’m guessing that the residents of this neighbourhood like their peace and quiet. I can’t say that I blame them. All you have to do is spend a couple of days in the busy streets of any urban centre, and the last thing you want to hear when you’re in your home at night is the blaring, screeching, and honking of any kind of horn.

I’ve got a new neighbour who lives behind me who drives a Harley—or some other kind of throaty bike. He starts it up; lets it idle for a bit; then revs it for a few minutes before finally driving away. The whole process from start to finish can’t be more than 3 or so minutes, but it seems more like an hour. The vibration this bike causes in our house is crazy, and the frequency at which it revs literally hurts my head. (My neuro problem again.)

Sadly the No Horn sign wouldn’t apply in this case. However, a No Revving Your Hog sign is looking mighty appealing right now.  😈 

no revving of hogs

Update June 2024: Fun fact about hog-driver dude. He did all this (and more) this b/c he wanted to get into a fight with the neighbour. (Not me. 😉 ) Well he was successful. Multiple verbal and physical fights ensued. Jail time was involved. In the end he died, and his house was sold. The end. 

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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