Saxofoon In The Snow
Saxofoon In The Snow

Saxofoon In The Snow

With the West Coast of Canada sweltering under dangerously hot temperatures that show no signs of letting up for the next 5 or 6 days, this picture reminds us of what the other temperature extreme looked like just a few short months ago. (We tend not to get either extreme much on the coast thanks to the Pacific Ocean, but this year things have been pretty screwed up weather-wise.)

Cool Jazz


    Photography by rogiro. Source: flickr

The above photo was taken by rogiro in Deventer, Overijssel in the Netherlands. Since the sign is snow covered I can’t make out the name of the shop, but it does appear to have the word saxophone in name.

I did a Google search but couldn’t find any shop that this could be. If any of you know, please let us know either via the comment form, or by sending me an email. Thank you.


  1. Thanks Bret.

    Duh… :scratch:

    You know, I should have thought of them, but I didn’t. 😳

    BTW, congrats on your new position at Delta State University. That’s great news… But as a Fightin’ Okra, do you have to have all your horns painted green now? 😉

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