What Does A REAL Sax Player Drink?
What Does A REAL Sax Player Drink?

What Does A REAL Sax Player Drink?

Well if you’re from Oregon, it’s most likely one of Rogue Nation’s, Rogue Ales. Specifically, your ale of choice is probably…

   Jazz Guy Ale (Saxophone)

     Photography by: The Prudent Cyclist  Source: Flickr

Well since I’m not a beer drinker—I know, I know…What kind of German am I anyway? I used to here this from my dad when he teased me about my penchant for Vodka. He joked that I must have been a Russian in my last life—I won’t be drinking Jazz Guy Ale anytime soon. So I guess that means that I’m not a REAL sax player after all. :mrgreen:

Oh well, I guess that I’ll have to figure out what my true calling is. In the meantime, I have a studio full of saxophones I’ll have to unload. 😉  😆

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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  1. Pingback: Saxo Beer, the Sax Man’s choice | The Bis Key Chronicles

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