Do You Want To Draw A Saxophone?
Do You Want To Draw A Saxophone?

Do You Want To Draw A Saxophone?

Although I can’t draw a stickman to save my life, ever since grade 10 I have been drawing saxophone line drawings. Why? I’m not really sure. I think it started because someone asked that I draw one beside my signature in their school annual.

Not being in the slightest bit artistic—at least not in the visual arts—my sax line drawings have remained virtually the same. They have not evolved over time, although the technologies with which I draw them has. (BTW, I don’t have my pen/tablet software installed in this laptop, so my mouse-drawn image is a bit rougher around the edges than normal.)

cartoon, saxophone outline, musical notes, black, neon green

Yup, not exactly a work of art is it? 😛

This morning on YouTube, I noticed a video that shows you how to draw a saxophone. Looking at the hand that is actually doing the drawing, I’m guessing that this person is perhaps still in high school.

While not the calibre of Kim’s saxophone cartoons (she’s a professionally trained artist after all), this little instructional video from YouTube will give you the basics to get you started in drawing a horn.

Speaking of SOTW’s long-time moderator Kim, she does have a some information posted on how she created the SOTW logo. In Part 1 she goes over what steps went into the hard copy, before it was turned into a digital image. While in Part 2 she provides information on how the raw digital image was turned into Buddy, the SOTW logo.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


    1. These paintings of yours are very nice pablo. Apparently you not only have talent in the performing, but also the visual arts.

      My favourite of the 3 is the one of Parker performing, but they are all very good. Thank you for sharing with us…helen

  1. Robert A. Fox

    I am generally annoyed by grossly misshapen drawings of saxophones, especially if the drawing or whatever is otherwise fairly realistic. However, if they are so exactly detailed, I am annoyed that they probably digitally fused their drawing with a photograph of a saxophone, but not the rest of the drawing :scratch: …kind of cheating. Occasionally, I will see drawings that lack all the details, but generally follow the contours of the instrument. I can handle that. Needless to say, accurately drawing with great detail, a sax is a severely difficult undertaking…well, from my talentless drawing perspective. So, who am I to criticize?

    I read somewhere, that the saxophone is the most used advertising image used to represent jazz. It has such graceful curves and a shiny look about it…not to mention that it can be used as the letter “J” in jazz. It is often used to advertise music that has no saxophones involved in it at all.

    1. Hi Robert.

      Have you by chance seen this? Sure, it’s only part of one of my saxophones (my Klingsor, nickel-plated tenor to be precise), but it’s pretty damn realistic. It was painted by my web designer as a project for her water colour class. For only her 3rd or so painting, I think it’s quite remarkable.

      Anyways,I digress… On some level I think the use of all saxophone imagery in advertising/popular culture is a good thing. It keeps our instruments in the public eye. We play instruments that are interesting & unusual (compared to keys and guitars which many more people play). Even if the instruments are stylized, they are almost always still recognizable as saxes, and therefore still making a connection with the viewer. In the end, this will hopefully draw more young people to pick up the sax, and keep the instrument popular in the public eye. It’s a win/win for us as players—at least it should be if advertising theory is correct. 😉

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