A Window Full Of Saxes
A Window Full Of Saxes

A Window Full Of Saxes

I love store windows. As a matter of fact, I love them so much that in 1993 I wrote a 120-page thesis which contained over 70 pages of photographs of store window displays that spanned from the early 1900s, right up to the 1980s. Grand total: 200 pages of material on store windows.

Because of this love for store windows, I can’t help but be drawn to photographs of shop windows that contain my other love. This morning I happened to see a shot by AiresAlmeida on Flickr. It was taken in St. Giles’s, London, England.

  Sax shop, Denmark Street

store window, saxophones, London, England, reflections

     Photography by: AiresAlmeida  Source: Flickr

One of the things that appeals to me about the shot, is the high degree of reflection, and the resulting additional images that this generates. The busyness works for me.

So counting reflections and saxophone imagery, how many saxophones do you see in this photo?

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


    1. Hello Franco.

      Welcome to my blog, glad you enjoy it.

      I do actually have a Flickr account. Sadly, I haven’t uploaded more than 2 pictures. I have meant to upload more, but I haven’t gotten around to it.

      My Flickr acc’t name is Bassic Sax, so I’ll look you up. I’ll also see about posting some more of my pictures. I have mine scattered between my blog & website, so I’ll see which ones I want to upload.

      Thanks for the visit Franco. Hope you drop in again.



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