The Bassic Sax Blog
Photos – Signs

Photos – Signs

Slow Sax Verboten Stop Sign Fine Zone

The following are some signs I made up that were inspired by real traffic, or by-law infraction signs, from around the world. Enjoy.   

Caution: Slow saxophone playing

fake traffic sign, yellow inverted triangle with red edge, black bass saxophone in centre, yellow warning sign below stating caution slow saxophone playing,

Source: Bassic Sax Studios

Zer vill be no sax playing here! 

black shadow of a bass saxophone, red circle with a line through it, sign says horn playing verboten in old German-style text, funny sign

Source: Bassic Sax Studios

Stop & think

fake stop sign, red 8-sided sign with red lettering and black shadow of broken saxophone, white letters spell out Stop Think You can't fix stupid

Source: Bassic Sax Studios

Slow saxophone zone fine zone

fake traffic sign, yellow playground warning sign containing 2 shadows of bass saxophones of different sizes, sign reads: slow saxophone zone fines doubled

Source: Bassic Sax Studios

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