A Case Of Way Too Much Sax In Public, And On Private Property
A Case Of Way Too Much Sax In Public, And On Private Property

A Case Of Way Too Much Sax In Public, And On Private Property

Under the category of viral videos, you would not normally find a one starring a saxophone player. However, the Sexy Sax Man Sergio’s adventures in various LA establishments, has for some inexplicable reason been viewed over 1.4 million times since it was uploaded on March 12. (BTW, that was exactly 1 week ago today.)

OK, so now I’ve just added 5 minutes to his 15 minutes of fame. 😉

What was I thinking? 😆

All I can say is: Put a shirt on. Please!

After our friend Sergio was done with his blitz in LA, there was a dramatic increase in the downloading of this image from my site. 😉

     Photography by: Marylise Doctrinal  Source: Flickr

Coincidence…. I think not! 😆

Seriously, if you’d like to see some behind the scenes footage of Sergio’s big LA adventures, check out this clip. Although it has less than 100,000 views, personally, I found it much more interesting than the first. (And truth be known, more funny.)

What do you think? Would you really want to get food from the counter of that fast food restaurant after Sergio had his feet on it? What do you think the chances are that it was cleaned properly? I’m just asking…

Now there’s just one question that I have. Which came first: SNL’s skit The Curse, that featured John Hamm as greased up, Sexy Sax man Sergio? The Digital Short originally aired on January 30, 2010.

Or, the real-life LA Sergio? I have my suspicions, but don’t know for sure. If anyone does, feel free to chime in with a comment.


  1. Hey Helen,
    The video is older than March. They just uploaded a new version without the intro fairly recently.

    The original version was done a few months back, I posted it on Sax Station in December 2010. After I posted it, Sergio contacted me and we’ve talked a few times, I’ll ask about the SNL skit.

    What happened was someone downloaded the video that Mike and Sergio did, edited out the intro and uploaded it to youtube. That video happened to be seen by some influential people and went viral on tosh.0, news channels, Jimmy Fallon, etc.

    Mike and Sergio uploaded a new version of their own without the intro of them talking and it goes straight into Sergio dressed up in costume.


    1. Hi Neal.

      I figured the original was older than March. The recent one was marked as “Director’s Cut” or something along those lines. I didn’t realize that it had been viral a few months ago already. I guess I must have been in a coma. 😆

      I’m usually pretty up on pop culture. Funny how this one slipped by me the first time around. 😳

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