A Sunday Evening Photo Shoot
A Sunday Evening Photo Shoot

A Sunday Evening Photo Shoot

Yesterday evening the band I work in, Deception, got together for a new band photo. Since our lineup change last year, we haven’t really kept up with either our website or our promotional materials… My bad…

Our drummer, Randy Mathers, had scouted out some interesting locations for us in Mission and Matsqui Village. So last night we met over in one of the rougher parts of Mission, and our photographer took some shots under an overpass. 

The acoustics were excellent, and the natural reverb was great. I noodled around some during our shoot, and Randy at times accompanied me on the sticks he brought.

From left to right the players are: Randy Mathers, drums; Charles Mauviel, bass; Art Panchishin, guitar; Bob Peters, keys, and that’s me, Helen Kahlke, on sax. (In case you were unsure whose sax blog you were reading.)  😀

     Photo by M. Margison  © 2010

After we finished in Mission, we went to Matsqui Village. There was an interesting building there with a sign calling it the Hotel Matsqui. The “L” was crooked, and the stairs were dilapidated. It was the perfect backdrop for a blues band.

Directly next to the Hotel Matsqui there was a vintage car for sale. It was a 1946 Dodge. This car is 4 years older than the Zephyr that I’m playing.

     Photo by M. Margison  © 2010

Talk about Ram Tough

     Photo by M. Margison  © 2010
…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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