A Trio Of Moon Pearls On A Lovely Vintage German Horn
A Trio Of Moon Pearls On A Lovely Vintage German Horn

A Trio Of Moon Pearls On A Lovely Vintage German Horn

This entry is part 20 of 20 in the series Dörfler & Jörka Saxophones

Last night my tenors and I were the subject of an impromptu photo shoot. As I took a look through the shots, I found a few that were quite interesting, and some that were rather artistic. The following one of my D&J-stencilled DeVilliers is among my favourites.

   A Dörfler & Jörka At Play

     Photography by M. Margison © 2011

I happen to think that this mono-coloured Dörfler & Jörka is one of my prettiest saxophones, and one of the most photogenic. The real mother of pearl buttons on the key guards are a beautiful finishing touch. The unusual lacquer colour—and no, it is not a relac—adds to this horn’s overall mystique. It’s tone is quite remarkable as well.

D&J certainly made an amazing tenor saxophone. These were of course clone horns of J. Keilwerth’s Tonekings and The New Kings, which is why Keilwerth went to court in an effort to try and get redress.

If you’d like to read more about D&J, and the D&J/J. Keilwerth history—which is a long and complicated one—check out the Dörfler & Jörka page on the main portion of my site.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!
Series NavigationAce tenor sax: Is it a D&J or a JK?

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