Another Saxophone Sign: This One In Texas
Another Saxophone Sign: This One In Texas

Another Saxophone Sign: This One In Texas

Earlier this summer I got a photo from one of my regular blog readers. Mark sent me a picture for my collection of saxophone signage. This particular sign is located in Austin, Texas, on top of Strait Music.

Source: Mark K.

If anyone else sees a saxophone sign in their travels and would like to send it to me, that would be greatly appreciated. Saxophone graffiti too is something that I’ve included in my blog. So if you happen across any of that, that too would be great to to see. Thanks!

I think it would be interesting to build a large repository of saxophone images from around the world. So far I have included signage, sculptures, and graffiti. (I don’t think I’ve missed any categories.)

Anything you’d care to submit to this online library would be great. As always, you would be given full credit for your images, unless you wanted to remain anonymous, in which case you would be credited simply as A Friend Of Bassic Sax.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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