Museum Playasax Display: What Were They Thinking
Museum Playasax Display: What Were They Thinking

Museum Playasax Display: What Were They Thinking

Ever since I saw the Playasax for the first time way back in December 2008, I was intrigued by these interesting player saxophones. Little did I know that in such a short time these little instruments would go from being museum curiosities, to fairly common eBay items—so common in fact, that I have stopped collecting images of them for my website.

From museum piece to collectible: the Playasax goes mainstream

Over the past few years I have written about quite a few that have appeared for sale on eBay, because I know a number of my readers like saxophone collectibles. I also researched the Playasax further, and found the original patent documents, therefore was able to write a page about the little instrument for my website.

Then just when I thought I had seen everything there was to see about the Playasax, I happened to stumble across this image on Flickr…


Playasax, player saxophone, museum display, Musicial Instrument Museum, Scottsdale AZ

Photography by: jessamyn Source: Flickr

Now the photographer doesn’t state where she took the photo, but my guess is that since it’s in an album titled Arizona 2014, the most likely place where she would have seen this  Playasax is at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), in Scottsdale, AZ. 

Now admittedly I’m pretty twisted, and see connections in the weirdest, and some would say the most inappropriate ways. But I ask you, does the way the MIM has chosen to display the roll of player music look familiar to you at all? Come on now, look hard. Does it?

If you’ve never stayed in a hotel, I’ll give you a pass. But if you have, then I ask you: If the way the roll of Playasax music is displayed doesn’t remind you of a hotel’s maid service, what does it remind you of?

Evidence of service

toilet paper roll, hotel bathroom, triangle fold on toilet paper, evidence maid service cleaned bathroom

Photograhy by: Scoobyfoo  Source: Flickr

Maybe it’s just a coincidence that the MIM staff opted to display their Playasax in such a way to a resemble toilet roll. After all…  

Coincidence or not, if I was the curator of this museum, I’d be asking my staff: What were you thinking?

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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