No Public Sax In St. Petersburg… And No Speedos Either
No Public Sax In St. Petersburg… And No Speedos Either

No Public Sax In St. Petersburg… And No Speedos Either

As regular readers of my blog may remember, a few months ago I started noticing photos on the ‘Net that used saxophone imagery to convey a “NO BUSKING”, or “NO MUSIC” message. One was from Amsterdam, while the other was from Warsaw. Well apparently saxophone imagery can be found in Russia as well, to convey a “NO MUSIC” message.

This sign at the Peter And Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia, provides visitors to the site with a list of 12 things that they are not allowed to do. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m rather confused by some of these things.

I think they should have provided the English translations, since it might have helped clarify some of the ambiguities. Here’s my interpretation from left to right. (YMMV of course. 😆 ) …

Top Line: No pointing; No weighing of objects; No walking your dog on a leash; No committing suicide by walking off any of the fortress’s buildings; No playing saxophone (or any other musical instruments presumably); No wearing of Speedos.

Lower Line: No skiing (at least the aerial acrobatic kind); No littering; No fires; No drinking while standing under a street light; No bicycle riding; No cutting down of trees.


If you are not familiar with what the site looks like, here are a couple of photos of the Peter and Paul Fortress.





Given Russia’s reputation for having a harsh criminal justice system, I for one would certainly not want to test out what would happen if a person were to get caught breaking one of the site’s rules. 😉

Being incarcerated in Russia for public sax acts… Now that would most likely seriously jeopardize a person’s chances of getting future travel visas! :devil2:

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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