The Bassic Sax Blog
Photos 8

Photos 8

Sax Pig Sax Brain Sax Porn Vintage Case Badges
It’s All About the Bass The Supervisor Buescher True Tone Alto 193XXX Pan American Curved Soprano 43XXX

Sax Pig

Photography by Mary Margision. Photo edits & creative effects by Helen Kahlke. © 2013

Sax Brain

sax on the brain, glass skull, Crystal Head Vodka bottle,silver saxophone pendant, black onyx, cyrstal,

Photography by Mary Margision. Photo edits & creative effects by Helen Kahlke. © 2013

Sax Porn – The Martin Baritone Version

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke

Vintage Case Badges

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke

It’s All About the Bass

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke

The Supervisor

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke

Buescher True Tone Alto from 1925

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke

Pan American Curvy Post-Overhaul

Photography & photo edits by Helen Kahlke 

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