Put Your Dancing Shoes On… It’s The Ray Myers Band
Put Your Dancing Shoes On… It’s The Ray Myers Band

Put Your Dancing Shoes On… It’s The Ray Myers Band

Last weekend I went to see my very good friend Ray Myers perform. The Ray Myers Band had nearly everyone at the Star Of The Sea on the dance floor, as they filled the normally sleepy town of White Rock with the sounds of classic R&B.

I brought a camera along and took some photos which will eventually end up on Ray’s site. Although I must say some of my favourite shots of the night were the artsy pics I took for me, not for Ray.

A few months ago I finally bought a DSLR camera, and am still trying to learn how to use it. To say it has a steep learning curve would be an understatement. Because I really like our FZ-8 and FZ-28 from Panasonic, I got the G-1 that our local dealer was selling off just prior to the new model coming in.

   Playing With Light & Motion

Here we see Don’s guitar and Freddy’s tenor—in the blur of motion and blue light—in front of Ray’s brightly lit tenor moving in the background. I can’t remember how long the shutter was open for, but it was a long time. It felt like hours of squatting in front of Don while I waited for click of the shutter.

Selmer is very well represented in Ray’s band. Ray plays an ass-kicking Mark VII, and Freddy has a killer VI. On those rare occasions when all 3 of us get together, we have a lot of fun.

All of us are altissimo fanatics, so inevitably we end up trading 4’s or 12’s, which leads to ever higher altissimo climbs. Freddy always wins, but we always have a lot fun getting there. BTW, yes, we all use Dukoffs. Although Freddy’s is a custom, solid silver version of the classic D7, which he ordered a number of years ago from Bobby Dukoff himself.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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