Sax Solo Transcription Services
Sax Solo Transcription Services

Sax Solo Transcription Services

I recently got an email asking if I had some particular rock sax solos transcribed that I could send to someone. I hadn’t actually played those songs before, so I had never learned the solos. (Truth be told, I don’t transcribe solos. I just play them with the recording over and over again until I have them memorized.)

I referred the person on to Curtis, who owns the website Curtis has been transcribing solos for people around the world for more than 10 years. His services have been utilized by many players on SOTW, and he is highly recommended by many of the long-time members there.

Besides solo transcription, Curtis will also do transposition and music notation for you, and his rates are very reasonable.

So if you’re looking for a particular sax solo, and haven’t been able to find it, check out If the song you’re looking for isn’t yet listed in the 1770+ tunes Curtis has  listed on his site, he will most likely be very happy to transcribe it for you.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


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