Sometimes Bigger, Is Just Well… Bigger
Sometimes Bigger, Is Just Well… Bigger

Sometimes Bigger, Is Just Well… Bigger

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about the world’s largest saxophone: that being the contrabass of course. However, as many of my readers will know, there were some gimmicky monster saxes built during the saxophone’s reign of the 1920s.

These monster saxes, as I choose to call them, adorned the outside of music stores, and were used as advertising tools to draw in customers. I kind of think of them as super-sized saxophone mannequins, that were too big for the show windows, so had to be affixed on the outside of the store front.

During one of my recent excursions on the ‘Net, I came across this great photo of one of these behemoths. The article appeared in the June, 1924 issue of Popular Mechanics.  

Giant Saxophone


Now they say things in Texas are bigger. Well, apparently this holds true for saxophones too, because this saxophone makes the one above look like a 500 pound weakling.

The photo linked to on Flickr, was constructed using VW Beetle parts, and sits in front of a former BBQ restaurant/music venue called Billy Blues, in Houston, Texas. The restaurant has been closed for a number of years, and vandals have not been kind to the work of art. If you are interested in seeing more pictures of the sax, you can find them here.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!


  1. Janet and Hans

    Hi Helen
    We are sitting around the table eating grapes and drinking coffee with Marj. It is great to see her… and to get up to date a bit. We just took a picture… Hans didn’t put his teeth in, so it could be better.
    Thinking about you. Wish you were here too,
    Janet and Hans

    1. Hi Janet! Hi Hans!

      Yes, I got the photo… Thank you. What the hell is a sax player doing sitting around without his front teeth in anyway? We’ll just have to Photoshop them in for him, no worries. :devil1:

      I think of you two often, and miss both of you lots. I had always thought I’d be the one travelling to Freddy Beach first, since work always has me travelling X-country. Hell, I’d have been there a few times already if I hadn’t gotten neuro-challenged 2.5 years ago. Now with all this stupid eye/ear TN pain, I don’t know when I’ll be able to fly again.

      You two should plan a trip out to this neck of the woods sometime. It would be nice to be able to show you the non-touristy (and touristy if you like) side of the Metro Vancouver/Fraser Valley region.

      Lots of love to both you and Hans….Helen

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