La Fleur Alto Saxophone On eBay: Edited March 11, 2010
Edit: I have since met the man who bought this La Fleur. Kevin lives in the Metro Vancouver region. He and I have gotten together, …
Edit: I have since met the man who bought this La Fleur. Kevin lives in the Metro Vancouver region. He and I have gotten together, …
It was just a week ago today that a Schenkelaars-stencilled La Monte tenor sold in France. These instruments, with their Dutch/German heritage, are interesting since the …
During my usual trolling of eBay listings, this unusual vintage tenor caught my eye yesterday: a professional model La Monte, that wasn’t made by Orsi for change. Instead of being Italian, this sax is in …
This very pretty, pre-unification, German, Blue Label B&S tenor caught my eye the other day while I was checking out eBay. The term Blue Label is not …
I have a fascination with the fine detail work that went into vintage saxophones. Keyguards, octave levers, unusual key mechanisms, and so forth, all attract …