The 2011 Edition Of The Bassic Sax Christmas Gifts Of Kitsch
The 2011 Edition Of The Bassic Sax Christmas Gifts Of Kitsch

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The 2011 Edition Of The Bassic Sax Christmas Gifts Of Kitsch

This entry is part 7 of 18 in the series Christmas & Holiday Saxophone Gifts & Collectibles

At this time of year there is no shortage of crap that people are flogging online, that is to supposed to pass as Christmas ornaments, and/or gifts. So in what has become a bit of a Bassic Sax tradition, I offer up this year’s best of the worst, (or is it the worst of the worst, it’s so hard to tell sometimes) of saxophone-themed holiday decorations and gifts, for the player in your life.

The choices this year were so plentiful, that I opted to put them all together in a slide show. Enjoy people, enjoy.


Oh, I ran out of time this morning, and only made it halfway through the listings that eBay’s search pulled up for me. There truly is no end to the amount of kitsch out there—saxophonic or otherwise.

And here is the handy kitsch scale, so that you may accurately rate these—and other—little gems as you come across them. 😉

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!
Series NavigationAn Early Onslaught Of Christmas KitschGlass Christmas Tree Ornament On eBay

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