The American Saxophobia Project
The American Saxophobia Project

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The American Saxophobia Project

After posting yesterday’s article about Attilio Berni’s Saxophobia’s project from Italy, I received a really nice email from one of my readers informing me of Rob Verdi’s like-named project in the US. As a matter of fact, Verdi’s Saxophobia project was apparently the inspiration for Berni.

Although I knew of the American Saxophobia project, I did not know that it was what inspired the Italian one. Over a year ago I came across a great interview and video of Rob Verdi, and had started a post, but for some reason I hadn’t finished it. (I currently have just under 100 draft posts, some going back 2 years.)

So no worries all you Rob Verdi Saxophobia fans out there: a post is in the works. In the meantime, I have amended yesterday’s article to reflect Rob Verdi’s work, and will figure out what I need in order to finish my post on his Saxophobia project.

Thanks BG for keeping me honest. 😉  Seriously, I’m juggling so many balls, I’m bound to drop one now and then. Speaking of which, I owe at least 3 emails to people about their horns… The story of my life… 😮

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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