The Low G Buescher Bass Is SOLD!
The Low G Buescher Bass Is SOLD!

The Low G Buescher Bass Is SOLD!

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Buescher Low G Bass Saxophone

When Jim went to return the Buescher that I had play-tested, to quinntheeskimo yesterday, Quinn told him that the horn had been sold. The sax will soon be residing with its new owner in Europe.

BTW, in case you missed my previous posts regarding this horn, you can find them here and here.

I must admit, although I decided to not buy the horn, I am rather sad to hear it was sold. I guess while Quinn still had it, I still had the chance to change my mind.

I hope that the new owner is happy with his or her new purchase. I also hope that if the new owner happens to stumble across this blog post one day, that they leave a comment here for us.

Or, if you are the new owner, and you happen to be the shy type, you can always contact me privately. I’d love to hear what you think of your horn, and what you do with it, the kind of music you play, etc. etc.

Well luckily (or perhaps unluckily) for me, Quinn always seems to have a steady supply of new inventory coming in. I’m sure something else will catch my eye. But one thing is for certain, now that I know the man, I think I’m in deep, deep, trouble…

Series NavigationUpdate On The Low G Buescher Bass SaxophoneLow G Bass Saxophone For Sale In London, England

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