Zer Will Be No Saxophon Playing Here
Zer Will Be No Saxophon Playing Here

Zer Will Be No Saxophon Playing Here

Last summer I had come up with some ideas for funny traffic signs involving saxophone imagery. Unfortunately I forgot about them until this morning.

This morning while waiting for my coffee maker, I happened to remember a Taschen book called 1000 Signs, that I bought a few years ago at Chapters. It had some pretty funny traffic signs from around the world in it. Then I remembered that I was going to make up some humorous signs for saxophone players.

So with my coffee in hand, I fired up Photoshop, and took another stab at a sign. My Photoshop skills have improved since the summer. Which reminds me, I need to fix up my Slow Saxophone Playing Sign. (Done 😉  )

No horn playing traffic sign

Sadly, I’ve forgotten most of the funny signs that I had come up with last summer. I usually thought of them while driving, or when I was somewhere without pen and paper… I really need to upgrade to that smart phone soon… 😛

In the meantime, enjoy the first real installment of Bassically Silly Signs.

…this is just my blog. My “real” website is www.bassic-sax.info. If you’re looking for sax info, you should check it out too.There’s lots there!

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